Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reality Check

 In my ENGL 002 class we did a weekly schedule to see how we manage our time. What I didn't realize is that I don't manage my time well meaning that I don't say true to my words. Realizing that I take two math courses which are Pre-calculus and an online Trigonometry class and an accelerated English class I know that I can't slack off, the way I usually do and procrastinate. So trying to change my bad habit I will not use my free time in watching television and take a nap because if I do then I won't have enough time to finish my assignments. For me to manage my time wisely and effectively, I will need to go to the WRLC or see Professor Simon if I need any help with my assignments. While for my math classes, after my Pre-calculus class ends I will go to the math center to do my homework and review the notes along with my online class and complete the work that I need to do. In general, If I commit to myself and apply what I need to do I will succeed.      


  1. i understand how you feel because i also have problems with managing my time as well, and also have three classes that take, which at times can be hard.

  2. The weekly schedule helped me as well. It shows how much time one has to do the things they can or can't. Not everyone finds it useful, but I think it is one of the best tools to succeed.
